It’s amazing what three hours’ sleep will do.

29 Nov

In this case, it gets me through 2 1/2 hours of TAing/standing in for the model, 3 hours of class, and dinner, with enough time to doze and fight with Photoshop about posting an update. Fun facts!

In any case, here’s what I’ve been losing sleep over for the past week or so:

The Game of Thesis-Land!

This is my poster for my thesis presentation later this week. Instead of one big long story, I’m doing several smaller projects that differ greatly from each other. I found it challenging at first to come up with a concept that allowed me to talk about the differences between these works without making it seem like, “oh, here’s a bunch of crap I threw together that I might work on,” but I think the game board theme does it well. At least, I hope it does–it’s the result of hours of brainstorming with lots of different people, plus a whole lot of inking and painting! Overall, I’m pretty proud of it–I especially like the drawing for Perfectly Fitting, although that may just be because that character is super fun to draw. You guys’ll be seeing more of him soon. I also like how the drawing of the sleeping me at the end of the path turned out…although maybe I’m just jealous that she seems to be sleeping so soundly.

3 Responses to “It’s amazing what three hours’ sleep will do.”

  1. Andrea December 1, 2010 at 2:21 am #

    I think you should make Cubee dice and have this be a real board game. :D I wanna play! It’s ultra-adorable.

    • Lena Chandhok December 3, 2010 at 11:43 pm #

      Thanks so much! I’m thinking about packaging all of this year’s work together and putting it in a board game at the end of the school year, actually! If you’re interested, I’ll definitely let you know how much a copy of that would cost. :)


  1. Rapid-fire portraits, an apology, and a poll! « Comic Sutra Sketchblog - December 3, 2010

    […] but the bright side is that I’m pretty happy with how my poster turned out (as mentioned in my previous post), and I think that my presentation also went well. I don’t have a lot of occasion to dress up […]

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