I guess winter’s really here.

6 Dec

I woke up this morning to big fat snowflakes pouring out of the sky.


The flakes were big enough to look fake (although maybe that’s the California girl in me talking), like maybe someone was shooting a Christmas special outside. “Welcome to the land of freezing your important bits off,” they seemed to say to me. Wintertime in Vermont is a harsh mistress…but I have to admit that she’s quite the looker.

Anyway, enough waxing poetic–Bad Poetry Day isn’t for another several months! I wanted to thank you guys for all of the feedback you gave me on the update-schedule front. It’s really interesting for me to see what you guys prefer when it comes to updates and content, so please feel free to let me know what you’re thinking even if I don’t have a poll or anything.

On that note, though, I suppose I should get to the actual content of this post! Here are some more 10-minute doodles of the members of the class of 2011:

Lawrence Lee Derks III

Lawrence Derks is working on several new installments of The Grim Bard, his mini-thesis from last year about a bard who is given some of the Grim Reaper’s power to take souls. (He did, in fact, present in rhyme.)

Jon FineJon Fine is reworking and continuing Studio Lafitte, his mini-thesis from last year that focuses on the life and work of a French painter in the 1920s.

Max MoseMax Mose‘s thesis is comprised of several parts, including an animal encyclopedia, a maritime horror story, and several one-shot humor pieces.

Okay, that’s all for this week. Check back on Wednesday for the next three portraits! :)

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